Eureka Math in Sync - Assign Spanish Resources
This article explains how to locate and assign Spanish resources in Eureka Math in Sync.
1. Select a grade level from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
2. Expand a module to view the resources within the module.
3. Spanish resources are indicated by a globe icon. Click the icon to view the resource.
4. At the top right, switch the Resource language to Spanish.
5. Click Assign to assign the resource to your class.
6. Select a class to assign the resource to all students enrolled in the class.
7. Alternatively, you can click the Students drop-down to select individual students from your class roster.
8. Enter the following assignment details:
- Select Yes, upload a file to require a file submission. Otherwise, select No.
- Select a start date and due date for the assignment.
- Provide Assignment instructions if desired.