Eureka Math Squared - Enable Text-to-Speech for Assessments
This article explains how teachers can enable the text-to-speech (TTS) feature for assessments in Eureka Math Squared. If text-to-speech is enabled for an assessment, students can have the text of the page read aloud to them while taking the assessment.
Text-to-speech is available for both the English and Spanish versions of an assessment.
Enable Text-to-Speech
1. Navigate to Assess using the main menu.
2. Select the gear icon at the top right.
3. To enable TTS for an entire class, select the Enable for All toggle at the top of the class list.
4. Alternatively, you can enable TTS for specific students by clicking the toggle next to their names.
If a student is enrolled in more than one of your classes, enabling TTS for them in one class will automatically enable it across all your classes.
Using the Text-to-Speech Tools
When a student begins an assessment, they can access the TTS tools at the top right of the page.
Students can click the Move icon and drag the toolbar to a different area of the page.
Students can use the selection tool to select the area of the page they want read aloud to them. By default, the dictation begins when the student clicks on the desired area. In the Settings menu, they can modify these settings so the dictation begins when hovering over the desired area.
Students can click the Play, Stop, or Pause icons to play, stop, or pause the dictation, respectively.
Using the Screen Mask option, students can tint the page and hover over the portion of the item they wish to focus on. In the Settings menu, they can adjust the color and opacity of these controls.
Students can select the Settings (gear) icon to adjust the dictation speed, text highlight color, speech mode, and screen mask settings.
Students can select the arrow on the far right of the toolbar to collapse and hide the TTS tool menu. If they need to access the tools again, they'll click the arrow once more to expand the menu.