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Eureka Math Affirm - Administrator Visual Reports

This article explains how administrators generate visual assessment reports for Eureka Math® and Eureka Math® TX. This report allows administrators to view assessment level data across their organization segmented by school.

 1. Select Reports from the main menu.

Affirm main menu with Reports option circled

2. Under Eureka Math or Eureka Math TX, select Summary Report.

Admin Report dashboard with Eureka Math tab selected

3. Choose the report level you want to review: District or School. Then select Visualize Reports.

Visualize Reports button

4. Based on your selection, you'll see a list of all assessments scored by teachers along with the average score and the number of schools and classes included in the report. Select Generate Reports to review a specific assessment. 


5. Choose your desired cohort level: Schools or Classes. Then select the school(s) and class(es) you wish to include in the report.

Cohort level menu with Generate Report button circled

6. Select Generate Reports.

The visual summary report shows the following:

  • Average Score across selection:
    • School view (entire district, individual school, or multiple schools)
    • Class view (entire district, or multiple classes within school or schools) 
  • Number of schools, classes, and students accounted for in report 
  • Visual: Average Score by Cohort (school or class): Admins can filter by proficiency levels and sort by name or performance 
  • Visual: Average Score by Item (Raw Points): View average score on each item of the assessment and the standard(s) assessed on each item 
  • Visual: Student Distribution by Proficiency (Performance Bands): View proficiency levels within each school or class.

Example of administrator visual assessment report