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Eureka Math in Sync - Continuous Learning Components

Download the Eureka Math in Sync™ User Guide.

Continuous Learning Components:

Additional Resources:

The resources in this section require additional purchase.

  • Eureka Math in Sync with the Eureka Math® Digital Suite

  • Eureka Math in Sync with Affirm®

  • Eureka Math in Sync with Didax® Virtual Manipulatives

  • Eureka Math in Sync with Eureka Math Equip

  • Eureka Math in Sync with the Eureka Math Professional Development

For additional information about how to implement the components in Eureka Math in Sync, please consult the Eureka Math in Sync User Guide.


Continuous Learning Components

The Learn Anywhere Plan

The Learn Anywhere Plan provides key information about the organization of Eureka Math in Sync lessons and how instruction is shared between the Great Minds® teacher and the classroom teacher. The Learn Anywhere Plan has two levels: Module Level and Lesson Level.

Module Level Learn Anywhere Plan

The Module Level of the Learn Anywhere Plan provides an at-a-glance look at the recommendations from Great Minds teacher–writers.

The Student Debriefs are opportunities to engage students in meaningful discussion. Student Debriefs offer four approaches to facilitating discussion.

  • Sample Solution: Analyze samples of accurate solutions (student or teacher created) to reinforce procedures, strategies, and pictorial representations

  • Error Analysis: Identify and correct errors and misconceptions in sample solutions

  • Connection: Recognize a connection or relationship across problems or key concepts either within a lesson or between a current lesson and previous learning

  • Impact: Observe and understand the impact of a key concept in a lesson (often paired with another approach to provide a visual support)

Lesson Level Learn Anywhere Plan

The Lesson Level of the Learn Anywhere Plan provides a closer look at the lesson components and recommendations for delivery.

Prekindergarten through Grade 5


  1. Learning objective that provides the focus of instruction

  2. Materials needed to engage with the lesson video

  3. Relevant terminology

  4. Description of the video instruction and asynchronous assignment

  5. Prioritized content for each lesson component provides recommendations for facilitation (in person or virtual) and approaches to the Student Debrief discussion

  6. Description of how the focus of this lesson is applied in future instruction and links to follow-up resources

Grade 6 through Grade 12


  1. Student Outcomes

  2. Materials needed to engage with the lesson video

  3. Relevant terminology

  4. Description of the video instruction and asynchronous assignment

  5. Recommendations for teacher facilitation and the Student Debrief

  6. Description of how the focus of this lesson is applied in future instruction and links to follow-up resources

Teacher-Facilitated Math Discourse

Discourse is an essential component of effective math instruction, and it is especially critical when facilitating learning in a virtual or hybrid model. Through discourse, students have opportunities to share ideas, clarify understandings, construct arguments about how and why things work, develop precise language skills, and learn to view problems from diverse perspectives. Discourse, therefore, is a powerful tool for teachers to advance the mathematical learning of the whole class (NCTM 2014).

Eureka Math in Sync provides teachers with Topic Facilitation materials to incorporate in discussion throughout the learning process. The two core components of the Topic Facilitation materials are Lesson slides (Grades PK–5) and Student Debrief slides (Grades 6–12) and Topic Discourse slides.

Lesson Slides (PK–5)

Lesson slides allow teachers to project the Application Problem and selected Student Debrief tasks to engage students in discussions about problem-solving strategies and student sense making throughout each lesson. Where applicable, sample student work is provided to engage students in comparing, explaining, or building on math ideas.


Student Debrief Slides (Grades 6–12)

Student Debrief slides provide visual companions as needed for the Student Debrief in each lesson's Learn Anywhere Plan. They can be used as opportunities to generate discussion and further students' mathematical reasoning and critical thinking.


Topic Discourse Slides

In addition to making discourse a regular part of the daily lesson experience, Eureka Math in Sync includes materials for topic-level discourse. Topic Discourse slides show specific tasks and sample student work from the lessons in the topic and are intended to spark thinking and discussion beyond the learning objectives of each day's lesson. The features of these checkpoints, indicated in the image below, are consistent from Prekindergarten through Grade 12. Because Eureka Math lessons gradually build in complexity, Topic Discourse materials engage students in generalizing about and reflecting on the essential knowledge they have been learning across a series of lessons.


Discussion-Based Assessment

Assessment should support learning by providing teachers and students with useful information. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics defines assessment as “the process of gathering evidence about a student's knowledge of, ability to use, and disposition toward mathematics and of making inferences from that evidence for a variety of purposes” (NCTM 1995, 3). The council further defines four distinct purposes for the assessment of school mathematics:

  • Monitoring students' progress

  • Making next-step instructional decisions

  • Evaluating students' achievement

  • Evaluating program structures and teaching practices

The resources in Eureka Math already achieve these goals because they contain rigorous tasks that require students to demonstrate their knowledge at strategic points over the course of a module. When used formatively, the information gleaned from student work on assessment tasks can guide decisions and support continual growth toward essential mathematics goals.

Eureka Math in Sync expands the capacity of classroom teachers to assess students' knowledge and growth through discussion-based assessments. A discussion-based assessment is a one-on-one conversation between the teacher and a student about what the student has learned at each module milestone. You can conduct discussions face-to-face in the regular or virtual classroom or even over the phone, and such discussions are good opportunities to connect with your students at a deeper level as you dig into their understanding about the essential learning of the module.

After your students have completed and submitted a given module assessment, follow up with them individually by using the discussion-based assessment questions in the module's Learn Anywhere Plan.


Additional Resources

The resources in this section require additional purchase.

Eureka Math in Sync with the Eureka Math Digital Suite

Accessible anytime and anywhere, the Eureka Math Digital Suite consists of two exceptional online resources.

  • The Navigator is an interactive digital version of the Grades PK–12 curriculum and professional development platform that offers all the features of the print editions plus embedded PD videos to demonstrate key instructional practices. The color-coded map of modules helps you easily navigate the curriculum to study the trajectory of topics and prepare to differentiate instruction.

  • The Teach Eureka Video Series contains 18 one-hour sessions for each grade (PK–12) and is organized sequentially by module. The curriculum's authors help you understand the Eureka Math's foundational mathematical concepts and instructional strategies, so you can confidently tailor lessons to meet your classroom's needs.

Digital Suite Feature

Using with Eureka Math in Sync

Teacher and Student Edition

  • Student Edition and Teacher Edition in PDF

  • Teacher Edition viewable on the webpage in excerpts organized by grade, module, topic, lesson, and subcategories of lessons

  • Quickly access Eureka Math curriculum components for printing

  • Digitally display pages for the class (via screen sharing or projector)

  • Send digital copies to students or parents working at home

Foundational and Focus standards

  • Links to foundational and focus standards addressed

  • Links to related and subsequent standards

  • Recognize standards addressed to improve planning

  • Identify previous grade lessons in foundational standards and support students with Eureka Math in Sync video lessons

Coherence Links (PK–5)

  • Links to coherence in previous modules

  • Links to coherence in future modules

  • Pinpoint coherence across Eureka Math in Sync video lessons

  • Anticipate how current Eureka Math in Sync videos can support students in future lessons

Curriculum Overview

  • Curriculum map of all grades

  • Overview of pacing by quarter or trimester

  • Color-coded topics for ease of reference

  • Grade level overview identifying standards by domain

  • Consider how Eureka Math in Sync resources can support your pacing needs

  • Identify the trajectory of your grade and align with Eureka Math in Sync lessons as you plan


  • Explanation of mathematical concepts for teachers

  • Highlights of instructional strategies

  • Review topics before teaching a lesson to enhance your coteaching experience with Eureka Math in Sync

  • Identify instructional strategies that may benefit your students while using Eureka Math in Sync


Eureka Math in Sync with Affirm

Affirm gives educators access to a database of formative items that the curriculum's teacher–writers crated as well as analytics tools to help teachers track student progress and identify areas of need.

Affirm Feature

Using with Eureka Math in Sync

Assessments for Grades 1–12

  • Topic level quizzes

  • Mid-Module and End-of-Module Assessments

  • Formatively assess students virtually

  • Implement topic level quizzes

  • Benefit from bank of Mid-Module and End-of-Module assessments questions

Data Reporting

  • Automatic scoring in the Affirm platform

  • Customizable score release

  • Reporting by student, class, test, question, and standard

  • Flexibly schedule to accommodate any class

  • Identify when review of Eureka Math in Sync video lessons may be beneficial

Customizable Assessments

  • Access to all grades

  • Questions tagged by grade, module, topic, and standard

  • Schedule assessment launch

  • Customize assessments to reflect Eureka Math in Sync learning

  • Modify assessments to work with learning structure

  • Flexibly schedule to accommodate any class


Eureka Math in Sync with Didax® Virtual Manipulatives

Eureka Math has partnered with Didax to provide resources needed to effectively implement the curriculum. Virtual tools have been specifically selected to develop student understanding, minimize distractions, and maximize coherence between grades.

Didax Feature

Using with Eureka Math in Sync

  • Access to virtual manipulatives that mimic concrete manipulatives from the classroom

  • Ease of use

  • Have students model along with Eureka Math in Sync teachers during video lessons or with classroom teachers during virtual lessons

  • Use manipulatives during virtual lessons or in the classroom for ease of viewing


Eureka Math in Sync with Eureka Math Equip

Eureka Math Equip includes module-by-module preassessments that identify gaps in content knowledge and link seamlessly to targeted instruction, setting students up for success in the module ahead. The following components are available for all modules in Eureka Math in Grades 1–12.

  • Premodule Assessments: These adaptive assessments use branch logic to create a custom question path for each student to help teachers pinpoint conceptual gaps and misunderstandings before every module.

  • Assessment Reporting: Teachers can see individual student performance as well as class trends and receive recommendations for grouping students with similar needs on supporting concepts.

  • Instructional Recommendation: Supporting activities, lessons, or lesson components that draw on previous grade-level content can help students overcome gaps in foundational knowledge identified in the premodule assessments.

  • Streamlined Pacing: Versatile pacing suggestions help teachers keep students on track with current grade-level work while catching up on previous material—without adding instructional days.

Eureka Math Equip Feature

Using with Eureka Math in Sync

Premodule Assessments

  • Identify gaps and misconceptions in foundational knowledge

  • Use Eureka Math in Sync lesson videos available for previous grade levels

  • Assign Eureka Math in Sync video lessons from previous grades to help reinforce skills

Assessment Reporting

  • Foundational Knowledge Checklist for manual entry

  • Automatic scoring in the Eureka Math Equip platform

  • Group students as recommended when using Eureka Math in Sync video lessons in small group instruction or as additional support

  • Identify students who could benefit from Eureka Math in Sync video lessons outside class

Instructional Recommendations

  • Supporting lessons (identified individually)

  • Supporting lesson components (single document)

  • Supporting fluencies (single document)

  • Reinforce supporting lessons by having students independently view Eureka Math in Sync video lessons

  • Preview and review Eureka Math in Sync lessons on the basis of student need

Streamlined Pacing

  • Suggestions for addressing learning gaps while staying on track

  • Options for lesson consolidations and omissions

  • Streamline pacing by having students independently view Eureka Math in Sync video lessons

  • Consider how Eureka Math in Sync video lessons can aid in consolidation

  • Use Eureka Math in Sync to support pacing decisions


Eureka Math in Sync with the Eureka Math Professional Development

Eureka Math offers a variety of professional development resources to help teachers grow and learn.

Professional Development

Using with Eureka Math in Sync


  • Recurring and on-demand webinars

  • Various Eureka Math implementation strategies and practices for grades PK–12

  • Review to assist with preparing to teach a lesson

  • Recognize strategies and practices used throughout Eureka Math in Sync lesson videos


  • Implementation advice

  • Resources for teachers and parents

  • Benefit from advice for implementing Eureka Math

  • Learn how to address various learning needs

  • Provide better support for at-home learners

Virtual or In-Person Facilitations

  • Multiyear sequence of professional development

  • Foundational sessions to prepare educators to implement the curriculum and customize it to meet student needs

  • Sustaining sessions to build educators' capacity and deepen their understanding of the curriculum

  • Understand intentionality of learning design to target coherence in curriculum

  • Learn to use powerful tools to make the most of classroom learning

  • Incorporate Eureka Math in Sync in customized lessons

Continuous Learning with Eureka Math in Sync Training

  • 90-minute synchronous session

  • Asynchronous video tutorial

  • Improve your implementation of Eureka Math in Sync


Works Cited

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 1995. Assessment Standards for Teaching Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 2014. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA: NCTM.

Eureka Math in Sync User Guide