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Eureka Math in Sync - Create Assignments

This article explains how to create assignments in Eureka Math in Sync.

1. Select Resources from the main menu.


2. Locate the resource you wish to assign. Student-facing resources are denoted by the For Students icon. 

For Students icon

3. Click Assign at the top right.

Assign button in Eureka Math in Sync

4. Select the desired section(s). If assigning only to specific students and not an entire class, click the arrow next to All students to reveal your full student roster. Select the student(s) you would like to assign the resource to.

in Sync Assignment modal

5. Indicate if students need to complete the assignment online, upload a file to complete the assignment, or if no submission is required.

6. Select a start date/time and due date/time for the assignment.

7. Enter any Assignment instructions, if desired.

8. Click Assign to create the assignment.

Submission Types

Great Minds in Sync™ allows teachers to choose one of two methods for their students to complete and submit assigned PDFs: 

  1. Complete online, using our in-browser PDF annotation and assignment submission tool. (Note that students cannot upload files in this option, and download of files is not required. However, enabling download of PDFs is still recommended, to provide students a copy of their completed submission.) 

  2. File upload, requiring the student to download the assigned file, and complete it locally on their device using software to edit PDFs or offline. The student then uploads the completed file. 

Teachers may also choose no student submission, which allows a student to view or download an assigned resource without submitting a response. For non-PDF filetypes, such as videos, the options are File Upload or No Submission. 

Assignment submission options

Schedule Assignments

  1. An assignment with a future start date/time will be in "Scheduled" status. 
  2. When the start date of an assignment is reached, an assignment moves to “Active” status and appears on the student’s To Do page. 
  3. When the due date of an assignment is reached, an assignment moves to “Review” status, but remains open for student submissions. Student submissions received after the due date will be labeled as “late submission.”
  4. Teachers can manually close the assignment from further student submissions. 

Review Assignment Submissions

To view all assignments, select Assignments from the left side menu. The assignment page shows a list of all assignments for your classes, the date of the assignments, and the class they have been assigned to.  

Eureka Math in Sync Assignments page

The assignment list can be filtered by Curriculum, Section, and Status (Scheduled, Active, Review, or Closed). All teachers rostered to a class can create, review, close, and delete the assignments for that class.

To permanently delete an assignment, click the kebab icon next to the assignment you wish to delete, and select Delete assignment from the drop-down menu.

Kebab menu with Delete assignment shown in red

To view additional details regarding the assignment, click on the assignment row. For open assignments, teachers can view which students have not yet started, viewed, or completed the assignment. Once an assignment is closed, student assignment status is either completed or not completed.

In the "Completed" column, students are listed by order of submission date, with the most recently submitted at the top. Students who completed the assignment after the due date are marked as "Late Submission."

in Sync assignment monitoring page

Download Submissions

From the student monitoring summary view, teachers can download any files that were submitted as a part of the assignment and close the assignment.

To download all files submitted by an individual student, click on the download arrow in the row for that student. Teachers can also use the Download All option to bulk download all assignment submissions.

Download Attachments icon

Delete Submissions

Teachers also have the ability to delete specific files that students have uploaded as part of an assignment. If a teacher would like to remove a file for any reason (e.g. inappropriate content, student uploaded an incorrect file with personal information, etc.) they can do so by clicking the "Remove Attachments" trash can icon shown to the left of the Download button.

Once that button is clicked the teacher can select the file(s) they would like to delete, and after confirming their selection(s) the file(s) will be deleted from the assignment and will no longer be accessible to the teacher.

Remove Attachment icon