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Eureka Math Affirm - Teacher Assessment Reports

In this article, we'll review how teachers access and interpret the assessment report and item analysis view in Eureka Math® Affirm and Eureka Math® TX Affirm.

Access the Assessment Report

To view a single assessment report from the Reports tab, select the arrow to the right of the assessment on the section report.
Arrow buttons on Reports dashboard

You can also access single assessment reports by selecting Revisit on any instance of an assessment in the library or from the All Active Assessments screen accessed from the home page.
Revisit option on Reports dashboard

Once you are in the Assessment Reports tab, you can use the drop-down menus at the top to filter data by specific classes or assessments. 



Data Insights

Select the Data Insights drop-down at the top of the report to view key metrics around item, student, and standard performance. 

Data Insights component within an assessment report

On the left side menu, you can select the category of metrics you wish to review: StudentStandard, or Assessment. All metrics are shown by default. You can select any item or standard highlighted in blue text to review the selected item or standard. 

Example of Data Insights Standards details


Review the Assessment Report

  • In the top left Assigned to box, you can view the number of students that have completed the assessment(s) and the number of students in the class who did not. If needed, you can reschedule the assessment from here. For more information on scheduling, see this article: Schedule and Launch Assessments

  • The Average Score section shows the breakdown of performance for all students included in the report.

  • Average Performance by Item ranks the questions in the assessment by student performance so you can see which items the students struggled with and which they excelled at.

  • At the bottom, the report shows student-level data broken down by question and compared to a class average. Standards tagged to each question are listed for your reference. To view a student-level report, select the student's name.

  • You can print the report using the Print option at the top right.

Eureka Math Teacher Assessment Report

Access the Item Analysis View

Within an assessment report, teachers can view all answers to assessment items from all students in their class. Navigate to the table at the bottom of the report that shows student performance on each item. Select a question number at the top of each column. (For Example, Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.)

Teacher Assessment report with item numbers circled

Selecting a question opens the Item Analysis view. Here you can view all student attempts on the selected item. The symbol next to each student's name indicates their performance on the item:

  • A green check mark indicates they correctly answered the item.
  • An X indicates they incorrectly answered the item.
  • A dash indicates the student received partial credit on the item.

You can sort the list by Student Name or Result by clicking on the title of each column.

Item Analysis pop-up