PhD Science Texas - Module Landing Page
Navigate the Module Landing Page
The Module landing page provides an at-a-glance view of the learning that happens in each module. The Module landing page also provides access to the module resources and curriculum. You will find the number of concepts and lessons addressed in each module. Below the module essential question and enduring understanding, you will find access to the module resources: the Module Overview, Assessments, and Appendices.
Navigating the Module Resources
Select the Overview button to view the module resources. The overview provides an Introduction to the anchor phenomenon, an explanation of how the module lessons address the phenomenon, the Module Map, the standards addressed in the module (focus TEKS, focus ELPS), information about the advance preparation of materials, safety considerations, a summary of content knowledge built through the module, and much more.
Navigating the Appendices
Select the Appendices button to view support for teachers before and during instruction. Here you will find module resources, storyline, glossary and content-specific words, general academic words, and Spanish cognates. Module Resources—a set of lesson-specific resources to aid instruction, such as full-size photographs, informational texts, investigation procedure sheets, materials preparation instructions, and supplemental information Appendix A: Module Storyline—a more detailed version of the Module Map section in the Module Overview that summarizes the progression of concepts in the module Appendix B: Module Glossary—a list that includes level-appropriate definitions for new terms in the module and the lesson in which the definition appears Appendix C: Content-Specific Words, General Academic Words, and Spanish Cognates—a list of key terms in the module and their Spanish cognates to support English language development
Navigating the Concept Resources
Each concept contains lesson sets that develop key conceptual understandings. In each concept, you will find quick access to the storyline. And for each lesson set, you will find access to the Prepare section. In Prepare, you will find information regarding student learning, standards addressed, materials needed, and other resources to support learning. Under Lessons, you can see the lessons covered within the lesson set along with the lesson labels.
Upcoming Lessons
Click the Upcoming Lessons icon at the top right of the module level page.
In the Upcoming Lessons panel, you can toggle between your classes and see lessons you recently launched in each section. Previously launched lessons are clearly labeled with a check mark icon. When you've taught all lessons in the topic, you can navigate to the next topic using the Prepare for option at the bottom right.