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PhD Science Texas - Platform Navigation

Navigate the Platform

The Great Minds Digital Platform is organized into four key curriculum spaces: Teach, Assign, Assess, and Analyze.

  1. Use the curriculum drop-down to switch between your Great Minds products
  2. Use the site navigation menu to switch between the main spaces in the platform.
  3. Use the information button in the bottom right corner for quick access to guidance and support.

Teach: Explore the Curriculum

The Curriculum, Level, and Module landing pages in Teach help you visualize the structure of PhD Science® Texas and allow you to dive into each component of the curriculum. From these pages you can:

  1. Select a Level to explore.
  2. Navigate to other levels.
  3. Select a Module to explore.
  4. Access the Module Overview page or view the Module Assessment.
  5. Access the Concept Storyline page or view Concept Assessment.
  6. Navigate to a Concept Prepare page.
  7. Navigate to a Lesson Planning page.
  8. Use the Upcoming Lessons button to quickly see which lessons you have already launched for each class.

Level 4 Module 1, 2, and 3 tiles

PhD Science Texas Level 3 landing page

Level landing page with Concept and lessons expanded

Teach: Planning Lessons

A Lesson planning page provides all the information and materials you need to teach the lesson. The information below will help you navigate the content available within the Lessons.

Navigate a Lesson Planning Page

When you arrive in a Lesson planning page, you can.

  1. Return to the Level and Module landing pages, or go to the next or previous lesson
  2. Jump directly to a Section within the Lesson.
  3. View Student Learning and Materials associated with the lesson.
  4. Launch the Presentation for the Lesson.
  5. View the Lesson’s teacher guidance.

Lesson page with sections labeled

View Lesson Resources

Most lessons include resources such as activity guides, investigation support videos for teachers, procedure sheets, or assessments. All lessons include teacher presentation slides. From a Lesson Planning page, you can:

  1. Preview a slide that accompanies a paragraph of text
  2. Move to the Previous or Next slides, or jump to the Previous or Next paragraphs in the Lesson
  3. View the slide in a full-screen, interactive experience
  4. Click on a resource to preview it
  5. Assign the resource to students

Lesson slide preview and controls

Resources section within a lesson

Teach: Present

The Teach experience offers a robust in-class lesson facilitation tool that provides teachers with everything they need to present lessons during class.

Launch the Presentation

  1. The presentation tools can be accessed from within Lessons by clicking the Present button.
  2. Select the class to which you are presenting.

Present button within a lesson

Present and Monitor

The presentation tool offers the following options:

  1. Select a slide to view or present
  2. View student screens in real time
  3. Capture snapshots of student work
  4. Track student progress through the lesson with Student Tracker
  5. Refresh student work
  6. Pause students to get their attention
  7. Present the selected slide to the class
  8. View lesson guidance
  9. Create discussion slides in the Snapshot Gallery

Monitoring view within a lesson

Snapshots Gallery

From the Snapshots Gallery, you can:

  1. View all snapshots captured during the lesson
  2. Assemble the snapshots into discussion slides to present to the class 

Gallery view within a lesson


The Assign space is where a teacher can track, manage, monitor, review, and score all class assignments. From this page you can:

  1. Switch between Active/Past Assignments and Upcoming Assignments
  2. View and score the assignment
  3. Create a new assignment

Assign page


The Assess space is where you can find and view assessments available in the PhD Science Texas curriculum.

  1. Select a Level
  2. Filter for different assessment types
  3. Select a Module
  4. View an assessment by clicking on the assessment title
  5. View standards associated with an assessment
  6. Assign the assessment
  7. Customize assessments

Assess page


The Analyze space is where a teacher can view reports and insights for classes, assessments, and students.

Analyze Dashboard

The Analyze dashboard provides an overview of completed assessments.

  1. View all assessments
  2. Cycle through the most recent assessments
  3. View key insights about the most recent assessments
  4. Click to view the detailed assessment report
  5. Get a snapshot view of recent class performance on standards

Analyze teacher dashboard

Detailed Reports

Different reports offer different insights into class performance on assessments, individual student performance, and performance against standards. Reports available include:

  1. Single Assessment report
  2. Standards report
  3. Single standards report
  4. Student Performance report

PhD Science Texas assessment report example

PhD Science Texas standards report example