PhD Science Texas - Print and Score Paper Assessments
You can print paper copies of assessments and have your students complete them on paper. You can then input their responses into the Great Minds digital platform and digitally score their assessments.
Print the Paper Version of Assessments
Assessments can be printed from the Library in Assess. To print an assessment:
1. Navigate to Assess using the left side menu.
2. Locate the assessment you wish to print.
3. Click the kebab icon to the right of the assessment and select Print from the drop-down menu.
4. The assessment will open in a new tab. Select the Print option at the top right to print the assessment.
Manually Input Student Item Responses
The assessment should be scheduled and launched as it would be when assigned to students digitally. When the teachers closes the assessment, they can input their students' responses into Great Minds so they can be automatically scored and their individual item responses will populate in assessment reports.
1. Navigate to Assign using the left side menu.
2. Locate the assessment your students completed on paper and click the View button.
3. Select Close Assessment at the top right.
4. In the pop-up, select the Review option.
5. You'll be directed to start scoring the first student in your roster. Select Answer on behalf of student.
6. Click the Start button.
7. Input the student's response for each question. You can navigate between questions using the question panel on the right. or using the Next and Previous arrows at the bottom right.
8. When you're finished inputting the students' responses, select Review to verify all items have been answered. Then select Finish to finish scoring the assessment.
9. Use the forward arrow to navigate to the next student's submission. Select Answer on behalf of student to input their responses.
10. Repeat steps 5-9 until all students' responses have been entered and scored.
11. Click Finish Score at the top right when you've finished scoring all students in your class. In the pop-up, select Yes, Finish to confirm.
Manually Input Assessment Scores
Rather than manually inputting students' item responses, teachers can instead score students' responses offline. They can then manually input the number of points earned by the student on each item.
1. Navigate to Assign using the left side menu.
2. Locate the assessment your students completed on paper and click the View button.
3. Select Close Assessment at the top right.
4. In the pop-up, select the Score without student submission option.
5. You'll be directed to the first student in your roster. Scroll down to begin scoring.
6. Input the number of points earned by the student into the points field. The max point value is listed next to each field. Note: Point values auto-save as you input them.
7. If you want to provide feedback on the item, click the Feedback tab and type your feedback into the field provided. Click Send to send your feedback to the student for review.
8. Once you've finished scoring all items, scroll back up to the top of the page. Use the forward arrow to navigate to the next student's submission.
9. Repeat steps 5-8 until all students' assessments have been scored.
10. Click Finish Score at the top right when you've finished scoring all students in your class. In the pop-up, select Yes, Finish to confirm.