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Eureka Math Squared - Review and Score Student Assignments

Teachers can review and manage student assignments through the Assign page.

Navigate to the Assign page using the main menu.


 On the Assign page, you can view, track progress on, and score all assigned assessments and other types of assignments. Assignments are organized by class and by due date.

  • Select the Active/Past tab to see assignments whose start date has passed.

  • Select the Upcoming tab to see assignments created with a start date in the future, along with drafts.

Active Past and Upcoming tabs on the Assign page

The icon on each assignment card indicates the type of assignment. 

Icon Key with Clipboard for assessments, Notebook for assignments, and graph for Equip

View Progress on Active Assignments

Track students’ progress on assignments by viewing the counts for Not StartedIn Progress, and Completed on the assignment card.

  • Once a student opens an assignment, they are counted as In Progress.
  • Once a student submits an assignment, they are counted as Completed.

Assignment card on the Assign page

Select one of the following buttons on an assignment card to see details and student progress.

  • View opens the Student Monitoring page, where teachers can view students’ progress when an assignment is active.

  • Review opens scoring and feedback if all students have submitted their assignments or the assignment is closed. 

  • Launch launches digital assessments for student access in the student platform. Assessments scheduled to release on a specific date and time do not need to be launched. However, the button will still appear on the assignment card; selecting the button will make the assessment active. Assignments do not have to be launched and will become available on the start date and time specified during assignment creation. 

  • Score opens scoring for digital assessments. See Score Assessments for more information.

  • Analyze opens the assessment report once assessment scoring is complete. See Teacher Assessment Reports for more information.

  View, Launch, Analyze, and Score buttons on the Assign page

Open the Student Monitoring page for an active assignment by selecting View on the assignment card. The Student Monitoring page shows the following information:

  • A list of students who were given the assignment 

  • Each student’s progress

  • Each student’s score (if the assignment is scorable) 


Assignment progress student tracker

Review Student Submissions

Select Review on an assignment card to view specific students’ submissions.

Use the circled arrows on the left and right to navigate alphabetically through the student list.

To select a particular student, open the drop-down list of students by clicking the arrow beside the current student’s name. 

Navigation arrows in assignment scoring view

After selecting a student, teachers can preview and/or download that student’s submissions. Student submissions can have one or more files attached. 

If the student has submitted multiple files, you can select one to preview it. Click the kebab icon on the submission card to Download or Delete the file.

Assignment Submission kebab menu with Download and Delete options

  1. Select the download icon to download the file to your device.
  2. Use the annotation tools provided to mark up a student's submission.
  3. You can also leave general assignment feedback for the student using the feedback panel to the right of the assignment. 
  4. Input the Score the student earned on the assignment.
  5. Select Save Changes to send your annotations back to the student. Students can access the assignment from the Completed section of their dashboard to review your annotations and feedback.

Teacher assignment scoring view with feedback panel on right