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Wit & Wisdom Affirm - Enable Text-to-Speech for Assessments

Enable Text-to-Speech

The text-to-speech/read-aloud feature can be enabled for your entire class or for specific students so they can have assessment text dictated to them.

1. Select Classes from the main menu.

Affirm main menu with Classes option circled

2. Select the relevant class.

3. To enable text-to-speech for the entire class, click the toggle next to Text to Speech for all students.

Affirm class text-to-speech toggle

4. To enable the option for an individual student, locate their tile on the page and then toggle on the Text to Speech option.

Affirm single student text-to-speech toggle

5. In the pop-up, select Yes, Turn It On to confirm.

Text-to-speech confirmation prompt

Use Text-to-Speech

Once the text to speech feature has been turned on, the student will have access to a tool bar that allows them to select text on the page and play it for any assessment they are assigned within a particular class.  Students can use the settings (gear) icon to alter the speed and format of the read aloud. 

Text-to-speech toolbar