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Wit & Wisdom Affirm - Teacher Reports

Access Reports

To access reports, select Reports from the main menu.

Affirm main menu with Reports option circled

To access the report for a specific assessment from the main dashboard, select Revisit

Revisit option on the Affirm teacher dashboard

In order for assessment reports to generate, teachers will need to select Finish Scoring at the top right once all students' attempts have been scored.


Reports Home Page

If your district uses multiple Great Minds products, select the Wit & Wisdom tile. Otherwise, you'll be directed to the Reports home page where you'll see an overview of completed reports.

Which reports do you want to see? above tiles for Eureka Math (left) and Wit and Wisdom (right)

The Assessment Report table shows average scores for each completed assessment at the section (class) level and, for teachers with multiple classes, an average across all sections. End-of-Module Tasks are listed but do not provide numerical scores. (See below for more information on End-of-Module Task reports.) 

Assessment report table in Wit & Wisdom Affirm

To access a specific assessment report, select Assessment Report at the top of the page and then select the desired section, module, and completed assessment.

To view a report of all the assessments a single student has completed, select Student Report at the top right.


Assessment Reports 

Teachers can view three levels of data in the single assessment report: 

  • Assigned to: This box at the top left shows the number of students who have completed (“submitted”) the assessment and those who have yet to complete it (“students unattempted").
  • Item Analysis: This chart in the middle of the screen shows a breakdown of class-level performance by specific items, checklist criteria, words, or rubric traits. See below for an explanation of how these data differ for each assessment type.  
  • Class Report: The table at the bottom of the screen shows student-level performance compared with a class average. To view a student-level report, select the student’s name.

To view a report for a different single assessment or toggle between classes, select from the filters at the top of the page and then select Generate Report. 

Assessment report filters and Generate Report button

End-of-Module Tasks 

For End-of-Module Tasks, each item on the Item Analysis chart corresponds to a trait on the rubric used to score the assessment.  

The vertical bars indicate the percentage of students who achieved either the Exceeds Expectations or Meets Expectations performance levels.  

The following abbreviations indicate performance levels: 

  • EE: Exceeds Expectations 
  • ME: Meets Expectations 
  • PME: Partially Meets Expectations 
  • DNME: Does Not Yet Meet Expectations  

Select View Rubric to see a sample response and the full rubric. Hover the cursor over each tile in the rubric to view a description of the trait at each performance level. 

Example of an End of Module Task rubric

The table below the Item Analysis chart shows student-level performance on each trait.

Some End-of-Module Tasks require multiple products and are therefore distributed among multiple items in Affirm, each scored separately by teachers. For instance, students might create a visual aid (item 1) and give a speech (item 2). For such tasks, the teacher evaluates the item containing the culminating or extended performance (often a complete piece of writing such as an essay or a story or an oral presentation) with a rubric as above. The teacher then scores the remaining item(s) using the provided checklists. For information on checklist data, see the Focusing Question Tasks section below. 


Focusing Question Tasks 

For Focusing Question Tasks, each item on the Item Analysis chart corresponds to the checklist criteria used to score the assessment.

Each criterion is assigned a number. For a description of each criterion, select the View checklist button to see a sample response and the full checklist.

Example of a Focusing Question Task checklist


The table below the Item Analysis chart shows each student’s criteria-level and overall scores as well as the class’s performance

Some Focusing Question Tasks require multiple products and are therefore distributed among multiple items in Affirm, each scored by teachers. For such tasks, teachers evaluate each item with a separate checklist and Affirm provides the scores for each one.


New Read Assessments and Question Sets

For New Read Assessments and Question Sets the items on the Item Analysis chart correspond to the items on the assessment. Note that some items have multiple parts, which are labeled with letters (e.g., Q1A=Question 1, Part A). Each part is reported separately.

The table below the Item Analysis chart shows each student’s item-level and overall scores as well as the class’s performance.


Vocabulary Assessments

For Vocabulary Assessments each item on the Item Analysis chart corresponds to a vocabulary word on the assessment.

Each vocabulary word is assigned a number. To see a full list of words, select the View checklist button.

The table below the Item Analysis chart shows each student’s word-level and overall scores as well as the class’s performance.


Student Reports

Affirm offers two ways to view a student report:

  • From the Reports home page, select the Student Report filter at the top of the page.
  • From a single assessment report, select the student’s name in the student-level performance table.

Teachers can view three levels of data:

  • AssessmentsThis box at the top left shows the number of assessments the student has completed and the number of pending assessments (assigned to the class but not yet completed).
  • Student and Class Performance: This box in the middle shows how the student performed on each assessment compared to the class average.
  • Assessment Results: This table at the bottom shows more detail about the student’s performance on each assessment, including overall score compared with the class average and date of completion. Select the See Assessment button next to each assessment to view student responses on each item, student notes, and teacher feedback.

Sample Wit & Wisdom Affirm student report


Interpreting Reports

For guidance on how to interpret and act on reports, see Interpreting and Acting on Wit & Wisdom Affirm Reports.