Eureka Math Squared - Administrator Reports
Resources mentioned in the video:
Report Types
Teacher Assessment Reports
Eureka Math Squared Administrators have access to reports aggregating assessment data for organizations they are associated with. Administrators can access three types of reports:
- Raw data exports in CSV or compressed CSV format
- Class reports drill-down to view teacher's visual reports
- Visual admin reports that summarize data across the school or district
Admin CSV Reports
Data for administrator CSV reports is processed overnight every 24 hours. CSV reports ONLY contain data for assessments that teachers have finished scoring. Finalizing assessment scores indicates the scores are valid and ready for publish. If an assessment is reopened by a teacher, that assessment's data will be removed from the dataset until it has been closed and the teacher has finished scoring.
Class Reports Drill-down
The Class Report drill-down allows administrators to see the exact class-level reports that teachers have access to. This includes live assessment data for completed and in-progress assessments.
Administrator Visual Reports
Administrator Visual Reports include assessment data for assessments that have been fully scored, even if the teacher has not selected "Finish Score" to send the data to CSV reports. This difference is because administrators can return to the same visual reports to see updates as new data is processed, whereas CSV reports become static once downloaded. Those exported CSV files cannot be updated to reflect possible changes in the data, and therefore Great Minds requires teachers to acknowledge that scoring has finished as an extra precaution before processing exportable data.
Report Types
Performance Summary Reports
Summary reports aggregate data by assessment and provide a distribution of students against proficiency bands. Each administered assessment is recorded as a row in the CSV file with corresponding columns to provide details about the grade, curriculum, and the number of students scoring in each proficiency band. This report is available as either a CSV export or as a Visual Report
Student Performance Report
Student performance reports show how each student performed on each assessment that student has submitted. Each row is a student assessment attempt. If a student is assigned the same assessment twice and submits it twice, two rows generate. The Reports provide additional information about teacher and class associations, student SIS_IDs, and the student’s performance as well as their proficiency band.
Participation Report
The Participation Report provides usage data on assessments that teachers have completed scoring on for each class in the organization.
Raw Data Exports
1. Open the left side menu and select Analyze.
2. From the Analyze home page, select Aggregate Administrator Report.
3. Select the type of report you wish to output.
4. Click Create Report.
School level data is output as a CSV file. District level files are output as compressed CSV files (.gz), and must be decompressed using third-party software to view the data.
For instructions on how to extract the compressed CSV (gzip) file, see this article: Steps to Extract a Compressed zip or gzip File.
Visual Reports
1. Open the left side menu and select Analyze.
2. From the Analyze home page, select Aggregate Administrator Report. Then, select the Summary Report.
3. Click the View Report button.
The report displayed is the School View of the first assessment title alphabetically for which data exists. This report only includes assessments that teachers have completed scoring (i.e., assessments in "Review" or "Closed" status). The School View provides performance data aggregated at the school level for the target assessment. Change the assessment, filter schools in or out, or toggle to the class view using the sub-header navigation.
- In the Average Performance Distribution, schools are grouped according to the proficiency band of their average assessment attempt score for the target assessment. Click on any category to see a list of schools in that proficiency level.
- In the School Performance section, each school is listed along with it's average score and per item average score for the target assessment. Click any Item Number to see a preview of the item as a student sees it. Click any standard code to see the correlated item standard.
- In the Standard Performance section, schools are grouped according to their average proficiency on each standard in the target assessment.
To see data aggregated by class instead of school, toggle to Class View in the subheader.
Class Report Drill Down
1. Open the left side menu and select Analyze.
2. From the Analyze home page, select Class Drill Down Report.
3. Follow the prompts to select the School and Teacher to view the teacher's reports, and click Go to Report.
4. You will land on the teacher's Analyze home page. From here, you can view all teacher reports.
5. To return to the administrator view, select Exit Report at the top right.
Eureka Math Squared Proficiency Bands
- Highly Proficient (93-100% Raw Score)
- Proficient (80-92% Raw Score)
- Inconsistently Proficient (70-79% Raw Score)
- Partially Proficient (60-69% Raw Score)
- Not Yet Proficient (0-59% Raw Score)
All scores are rounded to the 10th of a percent, and up or down for proficiency bands. For example, a 92.4% rounds down to a 92/Proficient score, whereas a 92.5% rounds up to a 93/Highly Proficient score.
Data Dictionary
Summary Report
The summary report exports data as one row per assessment title.
- assessment—Title of the assessment administered.
- type of assessment- determines whether the related assessment is a Module Assessment, Topic Quiz, Benchmark, or Equip
- is custom—True/False, wherein True indicates that the assessment was customized by a teacher and False indicates that the assessment is from the GreatMinds Library.
- grade—The grade associated with the assessment.
- module - The module associated with the assessment.
- curriculum—em for Eureka Math, ww for Wit & Wisdom.
- sections—Count of the number of class sections the assessment was administered in.
- total_students—Count of the number of student submissions.
- proficiency band—The text string for the proficiency band associated with this student assessment score.
- band_students - Count of the number of student submissions in each proficiency band for the related assessment
Student Performance Report
The Student Performance Report report exports data as one row per student per assessment attempt.
- assessment—Title of the assessment administered.
- type of assessment- determines whether the related assessment is a Module Assessment, Topic Quiz, Benchmark, or Equip
- is custom—True/False, wherein True indicates that the assessment was customized by a teacher and False indicates that the assessment is from the GreatMinds Library.
- grade—The grade associated with the assessment.
- module—The curriculum module the assessment is associated with.
- curriculum- Value designating the curriculum the assessment is associated with.
- school- The school the student is associated with.
- teacher_sis- SIS_ID for the target teacher, if available.
- teacher—Name of the primary teacher associated with the class the assessment was administered in.
- section—The section the student is associated with.
- student Email—Student email address on file.
- student ID—External student UID.
- student—Student name.
- date Launched—The date the student launches the assessment attempt.
- date Completed—Date assessment attempt is completed by student.
- overall Points Achieved—Numeric value for how many points the student achieved on the attempt.
- overall Points Possible—Numeric value for the total points possible on the assessment.
- overall Percentage—Numeric value for the percentage [(points achieved)/(points possible)*100)].
- proficiency Band—The text string for the proficiency band associated with this student assessment score.
- item [n] points achieved- Numeric value for the total number of points the student achieved on that item number n associated with the assessment
- item [n] points possible- Numeric value for the total number of points the student can achieve on that item number n associated with the assessment
- item [n] percentage- Numeric value for the percentage [(points achieved)/(points possible)*100)] the student achieved on that item number n associated with the assessment
Standards Report
The Standards Report exports data as one row per item. Most items have a single standard, in cases where an item is correlated to multiple standards, the standards are listed as a comma separated array in the standard column.
- assessment- Title of the assessment administered.
- type of assessment- determines whether the related assessment is a Module Assessment, Topic Quiz, Benchmark, or Equip
- is custom- True/False, wherein True indicates that the assessment was customized by a teacher and False indicates that the assessment is from the GreatMinds library.
- grade- The grade associated with the assessment.
- module- the curriculum module the assessment is associated with .
- curriculum- value designating the curriculum the assessment is associated with.
- school- the school the student is associated with.
- teacher_sis- SIS_ID for the target teacher, if available.
- teacher- name of the primary teacher associated with the class the assessment was administered in.
- section- the section the student is associated with.
- student Email- student email address on file.
- student ID- external student UID.
- student- student name.
- date Launched- Date assessment attempt is launched by student.
- date Completed- Date assessment attempt is completed by student.
- itemuid- unique identifier for the related assessment item
- itemposition- numeric value indicating the position an item appeared in the sequence of the assessment. Note that thiss value may be different for Equip assessments due to the adaptive nature of that assessment type.
- standard- Code for the standard correlated to the assessment item
- achievement descriptor- Code for the achievement descriptor correlated to the assessment item
- achievement descriptor pi- Code for the achievement descriptor performance indicator correlated to the assessment item
- points achieved- Numeric value for how many points the student achieved on the correlated item.
- points possible- Numeric value for the total points possible on the correlated item.
- average- Numeric value for the overall item score as a percentage [(points achieved)/(points possible)*100)].
- standard set name - The third-party standards specification (e.g., CASE or Academic Benchmarks) that applies to the standard listed.
- provider id - The unique value of a third-party standards specification e.g., CASE or Academic Benchmarks.
Participation Report
The Participation Report exports data as one row per class.
- school- Name of the school the class is associated to.
- teacher_sis_id- SIS_ID for the target teacher, if available.
- teacher- Name of Primary teacher associated with the class .
- grade- The grade associated with the assessment.
- section- name of the target class section.
- count of students in section- numeric value for the number of students currently rostered in the target class section
- total unique assigned assessments- numeric value for the number of assessment titles assigned in the class.
- total assigned assessments- numeric value counting each time a student is assigned an assessment in the class
- total assessments completed by students- numeric value counting each time a student has submitted an assessment attempt