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Delete Administrator Accounts

District and school administrators can remove other administrators from their district(s) or school(s), respectively.

Role Required: District Administrator or School Administrator

This feature is for Self-Serve Rostering customers only .

1. Navigate to Manage in your administrator account. 

2. If you're a district administrator, or your account is associated with multiple schools, select Schools and then choose the desired school from your list.

Skip Step #2 if you are removing an administrator at the district level.

3. Select the Staff icon.

Staff icon on the Manage dashboard

4. Locate the administrator you wish to delete and click the kebab icon next to their name.

5. Select Delete from the drop-down menu.

Kebab menu on the Staff page

6. In the pop-up, confirm you wish to move forward with deleting the selected user.

Delete user confirmation message

Removing a district administrator from a district will delete all associated data for that district administrator, which means there will be no history of that district administrator ever having been associated to the district. Additionally, the district administrator can no longer access their Great Minds account.