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Edit School Year

You can update the start or end dates for an existing school year if you need to accommodate instructional day changes at your district.

Role Required: District Administrator

This feature is for Self-Serve Rostering customers only .

1. Navigate to Manage.
2. From your district dashboard, click the gear icon at the top right and select Manage School Years from the drop-down menu.


3. Locate the school year you wish to edit and select the Edit button.


4. In the “Edit School Year” modal, make the desired changes to your school year dates. 

5. Click the Save button to save your changes. 



Data Validations 



School Year 

  • Only one school year per year may exist at a district 

Start Date, End Date 

  • Start Date must be before End Date 

  • End Date must be after Start Date 

  • Date range cannot overlap with any other school year dates 


  • Teachers and students will see data for the school year that the current date falls within