OneRoster Sync Reports
This article explains how district administrators view and interpret OneRoster sync reports.
Access Sync Reports
1. Navigate to Manage in your district administrator account.
2. Select the OneRoster tab.
3. On the OneRoster page, you can view the upload history, status, and sync reports for previous uploads. Adjust the date range filters if you wish to view sync reports generated within that timeframe. By default, the page shows reports generated in the last 30 days.
- Sync Status: There are 3 possible sync statuses:
- Completed: The sync completed with no errors detected in the files.
- Completed with Errors: The sync completed with errors detected in at least one file. Review the sync report for each file.
- Failed: The sync did not complete.
- Complete Date: The date and time the sync finished processing.
- Sync Reports: If any sync reports are available, you can access them here. Click the report link to download it.
Interpret Sync Reports
One sync report is generated per file, which is why you will see up to 4 sync reports per upload. You may also see multiple sync reports generated on the same day. Great Minds syncs the most recent file uploaded via SFTP overnight. However, you can correct and re-upload OneRoster files at any time using the upload tool on the OneRoster tab. If any errors were detected in any of these uploads, you'll see multiple sync reports for that day. We recommend reviewing the sync reports for the most recent upload and correcting any errors identified in those reports
Each sync report contains the following columns:
rowNumber | sourceId | field | status | message |
The row on the file where the error occurred | The unique id of the object | The specific field that triggered the error |
Failure: The object was not created and must be fixed and re-synced. |
A description of the error. This description tells you what needs to be fixed in order to successfully process your file. |
Here are a few examples of common sync report errors and how to resolve them.
rowNumber | sourceId | field | status | message |
10 | 07263 | sourcedId | Failure | sourcedId must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscore ( _ ) or period ( . ) |
Possible solution: The user was not created. Open the user.csv file and find the row where the error is occurring. Update the sourcedId and upon next file upload if the sourcedId only contains supported characters, the user will create.
rowNumber | sourceId | field | status | message |
78 | mth123 | grades | Failure | primary teacher is required |
Possible solution: No teacher was listed in the data so the class did not populate in Great Minds. Check your source data to ensure the class has an assigned teacher.
How to Resolve Errors
To resolve the errors in the sync report, reopen the original CSV file that you sent to Great Minds. Revisit each row that triggered the error, and resolve the issue described in the message column of the sync report. You can also correct the errors directly in your SIS and re-download the new files. Once you have resolved all errors, you can either send your corrected files to Great Minds via SFTP or manually upload them on this page. The file will be processed during the overnight sync and the errors will be resolved the next day.