Upload Classes
The class upload process allows administrators to create new classes in bulk by uploading a .csv file.
Resources mentioned in the video:
Create Teachers
Archive Classes
Understanding Class Sync Reports
Enroll Students in Classes
Add Co-Teachers to Classes
Role Required: District Administrator or School Administrator
This feature is for Self-Serve Rostering customers only .
To prevent the creation of duplicate classes:
- Check the Classes tab (see step #3 below) to view all existing classes before starting the upload process.
- Wait until the .csv file has completed processing and review the sync report before trying to upload another .csv file.
- Do not upload the same .csv file twice without confirming on the Classes tab that the classes were not created.
Classes cannot be moved to a different school year once created. If you do not see the correct school year available in the drop-down menu, contact your district administrator or submit a support ticket for assistance.
1. Navigate to Manage in your administrator account.
2. If your account is associated with multiple schools, select the Schools icon and then choose the school that requires the class upload.
3. Select Classes.
4. Click the Options button and select Upload Classes from the drop-down menu.
5. Download the file template and complete according to the instructions below. Note: Do not remove any columns or alter any of the column headers in the template file.
6. Select the appropriate school year for your classes from the School Year drop-down.
7. Once your class file is complete, click the Select File button and selected your completed .csv file.
8. Click the Upload button.
If your file does not pass validations, select Remove File, correct the identified errors, resave your file, and try to upload again.
If your file passes validations, you will be redirected back to the Classes tab. A banner at the top of the Classes tab will show the current status of your upload
When the upload completes, the banner will indicate if there were any errors processing your file. If so, you can download the sync report to review the errors.
You can also check the status of current or past uploads at any time by clicking the Options button and selecting View File Upload Status from the drop-down menu.
For instructions on how to download and view class sync reports, read this article: Understanding Class Sync Reports
File Requirements
In order for your file to upload successfully, your file must meet the following criteria:
- Must be in .csv format
- Maximum file size is 2 MB
- Contains a maximum of 1000 rows
- Has the correct headers: className, primaryTeacher, grade, subject
- Must not be empty
- Contains data in all required columns (denoted with an asterisk *)
Data Requirements
Field | Requirements |
Class Name* | Maximum of 200 characters |
Primary Teacher* |
Grade Level* | Must contain one of the following values: IT, PR, PK, TK, KG, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, PS, UG, Other |
Subject Area* | Must contain one of the following values: English Language Arts, History, Mathematics, Science, Other |
- This process cannot update existing classes; it can only create new classes.
- Do not make any changes to the template file headers or your upload will not process.
- Be sure to create teachers before creating classes because the primary teacher for a class must exist before the class can be created.
- Teachers or administrators must manually enroll students in classes after classes are created. See this article for more information: Modify Student Class Enrollments
- Teachers or administrators must manually add co-teachers to classes after classes are created. See this article for more information: Add Co-Teachers to Classes