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Add Admin and Multi-Role Users with ClassLink

Great Minds offers 4 options for ClassLink districts to add additional roles to user accounts. The option that will work best for your scenario depends on a few different factors.

See this article for a breakdown of Great Minds' user roles and permissions.

Option Description When to use How to implement
Option 1: Add the column to the users.csv file Input additional user roles into the column in your ClassLink users.csv file. This is the preferred option if:
  • You need to add an administrator role to teacher accounts that were created through Roster Server.
  • You’re adding roles to a small number (< 10) of users.
See instructions below. If you need assistance putting together your users.csv file, please contact your ClassLink representative for assistance.
Option 2: Manually add administrator roles in Great Minds

Manually create administrators outside of your roster server data. These administrators created in Manage will login in directly at

See Create Non-Rostered Administrators for more information.

This is the preferred option if:

  • You need to add an administrator role to teacher accounts that were created through Roster Server.
  • You’re adding roles to a small number (< 10) of users.
Contact your Great Minds Digital Implementation Specialist for assistance enabling this option.
Option 3: Append file With the Append Files option in ClassLink, you can attach any file or files to any existing OneRoster® standard CSV. This is the preferred option if:
  • User accounts have not yet been rostered through ClassLink, and you need to create them and add the additional role simultaneously.
Contact your ClassLink representative for more information on this option.
Option 4: ClassLink Manual Records You can use this feature to manually create records for academic sessions, users, orgs, classes, courses, and enrollments.

See ClassLink's Manual Records article for more information.
This is the preferred option if:
  • You're adding users that only require an administrator role.
  • You're adding users that can have administrator privileges in every ClassLink app in your organization. 
See ClassLink's Manual Records article for instructions or contact your ClassLink representative for assistance. 



Step 1: Prepare Users.csv File

1. Select Preview from the top navigation bar and select Users from the drop-down.


2. Select the download icon to download your users.csv file. Open the CSV file.


3. In the column, input the additional role (teacher, school_admin, or district_admin) for all users that require one. Leave it blank if no additional role is required for that user.


4. Save the CSV file to your device as 'gm_adminUsers.csv.'

Step 2: Update Settings

1. Click Settings on the top navigation bar and select Preprocessor from the drop-down.


2. Select the Copy icon on the active Prepocessor.


3. Rename the new config and click Create Copy. For easy identification, we recommend “Great Minds Additional Role” or something similar.


4. Select the Status toggle to enable the new Preprocessor Configuration. Under Actions, select the Edit icon.


5. Select Users from the left side menu.

6. Under File Merge, complete the fields as shown below:


7. Click Save.

Step 3: Import the File

1. On the top navigation bar, select Imports.

2. Click the edit icon.


3. Select Files from the left side menu.


4. Click Upload and upload the file you saved in Step 1 above. Note: Be sure the file name matches the one you inputted in Step 2 above.


5. Once the file is uploaded, select Imports from the top navigation bar.

6. Click the play icon to run a complete import of your users.csv file.

Step 4: Enable Metadata

1. Select Apps from the top navigation bar.

2. Select the gear icon next to Great Minds.


3. Select DataGuard from the left side menu.

4. Select the Users tab.


5. Toggle on the Metadata is enabled setting and check the option.


6. Click Save.